Chapter Headings

Table of Contents


Introduction to Corporate Culture.

How to go from Average to Excellent.


Chapter 1.      The Keys to the Kingdom: the Purpose of Enterprise.

Chapter 2.      The Elements of Corporate Culture.

Corporate Culture Definitions.

The Dependency Hierarchy.

Corporate Culture in action—My first exposure.

What makes up a Corporate Culture?

National Cultural Values.

Cultural Values of different Generations.

Values and Fairness.

Attitude Measures and Indices.

Attitudes and their Modification.

Changing Corporate Culture.

Chapter 3.      Corporate Culture Diagnostics.

The Value Diagnostic.

The Attitude Diagnostic.

The Expectation Diagnostic.

The Beliefs Diagnostic.

The Assessment Matrix.

Values, Attitudes, Expectations and Beliefs—The Background.

Values Background.

Attitudes Background.

Expectations Background.

Beliefs Background.

Culture Analysis.

Trust and Candor.


Chapter 4.      Hierarchy to Hygiene: Management Styles, their Evolution and Impact.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Argyris on Motivation.

McClelland and Self Motivation.

Likert's System 1 and System 4.

Herzberg and Hygiene.

Peter Drucker and The Workplace Revolution.

Chapter 5.      What Kind of Boss are You?  Individuals and the Impact of Management Style

Management styles.

Facilitative Management - points to consider.

Discussion Climates.

Chapter 6.      Management Styles and How to Cope.

Leadership Qualities.

Work Group Perceptions (Workers vs. Managers vs. Unions).

Management and the Generation Gap.

Generational Differences.

Generational Similarities.

The Holistic Work Approach.

Management best practices.

Chapter 7.     Decision Making.

Decision Making Styles.

Personal Decision Making vs. Group Decision Making.

Steps in Decision Making.

Women and Decision Making.

Chapter 8.     Delegation and Follow-Up.

Fear of Delegation.

How to Delegate.

Chapter 9.     Responsibility, Accountability, and Authority.


Chapter 10.   Culture Change Mechanisms.

Catalysts to Corporate Culture Change.

Choosing and Using Corporate Culture Change Tools.

Six critical success factors.

How long can the processes of changing a Corporate Culture take?

Corporate Culture Change Management Tools.

The Quality Management based process.

Integrated Systems capability.

The Maintenance tool (or Total Predictive Maintenance).

Time is of the essence.

Chapter 11.   Key stand-alone culture change tools.

Mergers and Acquisitions.

Kaizen (Continuous Improvement).

Business Process Reengineering.

Six Sigma.

Chapter 12.   Important Culture Change Contributor Tools.

Mission and Vision Statements.

Customer Service.

Zero Based Budgeting.

Productivity Review.

Strategy Development.

New Technology/Philosophy.

The Creation of a Communication Culture.

Quality Circles.


Complexity Reduction.

Activity Based Costing.


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

ISO Certification.


Chapter 13.   Useful tools or techniques to tackle specific problems.



Participative Management.

S.W.O.T. Analysis.

Succinct Measurements.

Anonymous Key Weakness List.

360º Employee Feedback.

True Colors™.

Chapter 14.   Job Descriptions:  What Exactly is it that you Do?

Job Descriptions and Career Planning.

Job Descriptions and Recruiting.

Job Descriptions and Compensation.

Creating a Job Description.


Chapter 15.   Morale Aspects.

How a leadership can influence culture.

Chapter 16.   Did You Get my Message?  People and The Rituals of Communication.

Documented word as communication vehicle.

The “disconnected” voice as communication vehicle.

Human senses as communication vehicles.

Dialogue as communication vehicle.

Chapter 17.   Tobacco and Whisky?  Communication Tools and Their Impact on Corporate Culture.

Communication audits.

The fog index.

The written word.

The spoken word.

Management by walking around.

Body Language (Non Verbal Communication).


Props and visual aids.

Chapter 18.   Industrial Relations and the Impact of Corporate Culture.

Chapter 19.   The Pride of Lions and the Herd of Hippos:  Teams and Groups.

The Psychology of Inter-group Relationships.

Conflict Resolution Grid Analysis and Approach.

Teams or Groups—what’s the difference?

Types of Teams.

Key roles needed in a team.


Why a team?

Team Building—prima donnas need not apply.

Stages of Team building.

Roadblocks to Team building.

Effective Teams.

Conducting Successful Team Building.

Chapter 20.   Organizations.

Culture Commentary on some Contemporary Companies.

Excellence Organizations.

Appendix A:  What do you Value Exercise.

What Do You Value?.

Scoring – What Do You Value?

Appendix B: Attitude Survey for Individuals.

Appendix C:  Word Survey.

Appendix D: Binary Decision Matrix.

Appendix E:  Acronyms used in this book.


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